Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baked Potato Soup

Baked Potato Soup

heat oven to 350
use 1 small potato per person (do NOT peel) and place in pyrex pan
cut up onion and place around potatoes
use whole peeled garlic (or not, to taste) place in pan with onions and potatoes
Bake at 350 until potatoes are soft (about 2 hours for a full pan of vegetables)
(check doneness with fork)
cool vegetables
in a blender
put cooled vegetables 1/2 to top and cover with skim (or whole) milk
blend until smooth, then pour into pot to heat through
**keep doing this until you use all the vegetables you've cooked for servings planned**
add (to preference)
low fat sour cream
crumbled bacon
** when warmed through, put grated cheese on top to serve
best with a country bread and real butter as a side.......... perfect for a Winter Day in Texas
I'm cooking this right now with extra garlic because the FLU has hit our family hard and it is a really wet/icy/coooooollllld day! May we all kick this flu soon! AMEN

1 comment:

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

RECIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited Carla. NOT ABOUT THE FLU. About the recipes! Peter got the flu a month after we got married last year. Don't worry, I made chicken tortilla soup with lots of garlic and he was ALL better! :)I think you should do like THe Pioneer Woman on my website links and take pictures of the recipe step by step! Not this time because you have some patients to tend to!